Obsessive Design

No Such Thing As A Minor Detail

A brand born in the mountains — Arc’teryx has been a driving force in the industry since its inception. Every detail matters in extreme conditions. They wanted to showcase innovations that made their name synonymous with Obsessive Design.

The Challenge

Adaptive Navigation

It was important that this online showcase fit within the primary Arc’teryx experience, and grow without disruption — while still living as its own entity.

To achieve this, we created an adaptive menu system that sits just below the main navigation. As the primary navigation scrolls out of view, this new menu remains sticky. Once expanded, the user can seamlessly view all of the current innovation pages in a layout built to provide context as well as room to accommodate additional pages. When you are on a specific innovation page, a dynamic shop button sits alongside the main menu — allowing users to be guided to shoppable sections at any point in the experience.

Tightened Up For Mobile

Using data and feedback from previously launched marketing products, we worked to speed up the experience on mobile and condense their length where possible. To achieve this we worked on mobile video compression and auto-play settings. Rather than simply stacking elements on mobile, we tested several 2-up variations to see which landed most successfully with users and implemented them where it made the most sense.

Flexible Templates

Obsessive Design was meant to showcase the brand’s innovative executions, so it needed to be designed for pain-free growth. With each page or element that was built, we were constantly confirming that it wouldn’t negatively affect things down the line.

To achieve this, we created numerous flexible templates that can be used as building blocks to assemble additional pages as needed.